Local reporting

Concerned about something you think might be illegal, unethical or unsafe happening on the job?

Tell any manager or contact one of the local reporting options below.



Saltchuk Aviation- Aloha Air Cargo, Northern Air Cargo, NAMS, Northern Aviation Services, StratAir


NorthStar Energy – Hawaii Petroleum, Minit Stop, Ohana Fuels, CityServiceValcon, Alaska Petroleum Distributing, Inlet Energy, Delta Western Petroleum, The Jankovich Company

Overseas Shipholding Group – OSG Ship Management, Alaska Tanker Company, Aptamus

Saltchuk Logistics – Carlile, Naniq Global Logistics, Shoreside Logistics


Saltchuk Marine – AmNav, Cook Inlet Tug & Barge, Foss Maritime, Foss Offshore Wind, Young Brothers

TOTE Group


Tropical Shipping Companies


If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to someone internal to your organization, or if you have already done so and the issue remains unresolved, you are encouraged to use the Saltchuk Ethics Hotline online or telephone reporting tool.

Our Code in English

Our Code in Spanish

Online Reporting

Ethics Hotline: 1-800-270-7513

Ethics Hotline for callers outside of the U.S.: 1-206-736-7020

