
Interstate to receive fleet safety award

January 26, 2016

7-19-13 Interstate_Logo_Vert_PMS

TCA awards Interstate for safety performance in Large Carrier Division

Tacoma, WA –  The Truckload Carrier Associate recognizes each year the top fleets in North America for safety performance based upon the least amount of DOT recordable accidents per million miles driven. TCA has announced that Interstate has received the 2nd place award in the Large Carrier division that run 100 million miles a year. This award is based on overall  organization, training, supervision, accident investigation, inspection, equipment maintenance, outside activities and general highway safety. Scott Manthey, VP of Safety at Interstate, says “We received this award because a lot of people are doing things right.”

In the trucking industry, safety is priority, therefore being recognized for this program is our highest honor. “Striving toward becoming the Best Trucking Company in America requires being the safest fleet, first and foremost. I’m extremely proud of the effort of all our associates working together to accomplish this great performance in 2015,”  stated Interstate CEO Marc Rogers.

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