
Foss Maritime Vice President of HSQE & External Affairs Appointed by President Obama to Key Administration Post

October 26, 2016

Susan HaymanSEATTLE–  Foss Maritime VP of HSQE & External Affairs, Susan Hayman, has been nominated by President Barack Obama to the United States Merchant Marine Academy’s (USMMA) Board of Visitors.

The Board of Visitors provides oversight, advice and recommendations on matters relating to the United States Merchant Marine Academy. The Board is made up of Congressional representatives and Presidential appointees, including two alumni. This key administrative post is for a term of two years, commencing at the beginning of each Congress.

Hayman is a 1980 graduate of USMMA and a 1986 graduate of Harvard Business School. After several years of sea-going experience, Hayman held various key management positions within the maritime industry. She was called to Active Duty in the U.S. Navy in 2002 and began her career with Foss in 2006 as VP of HSQE.

In his official nomination of this and other key posts President Obama said, “I am proud that such experienced and committed individuals have agreed to serve the American people in these important roles. I look forward to working with them.”

The United States Merchant Marine Academy is operated by the Maritime Administration (MARAD), one of the modal agencies of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Academy educates and graduates licensed Merchant Marine officers of exemplary character who serve America’s marine transportation and defense needs in peace and war.


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