
Two Industry Veterans Named Directors at Foss Shipyards

November 2, 2012

Richards and Hie named directors to oversee new construction, vessel repair and maintenance

SEATTLE, WA. –  Foss Maritime Co., which is poised for a surge in new vessel construction, today announced two key additions to its directors’ team: Hap Richards has been promoted to Director of New Construction while Jon Hie was named Director of Shipyard Operations.

In Richards’ new post he will have responsibility for new construction strategies for all Foss’ vessel construction projects. Hie will have responsibility for the operations of Foss’ shipyards, oversee commercial vessel repair and maintenance work, and support Foss’ fleet engineering requirements.

The appointment of Richards and Hie as directors comes as Foss embarks on a significant expansion of its tug and barge fleet, already the nation’s largest.

The company starts work in 2013 on the first of three new Arctic-class deep-sea tugs built for customer service in the booming oil and gas industry. This, while continuing to serve the maintenance and repair needs of commercial and recreational vessels at its Seattle and Rainier yards.

“Foss is entering a new construction phase that will emphasize safety, efficiency and the environment,” said Gary Faber, President and COO of Foss Maritime. “Those are our customers’ paramount concerns. They are at the core of Foss’ corporate culture. It is why Foss is turning to an industry veteran like Hap Richards to focus exclusively on new build projects, while seasoned operations director Jon Hie maintains and grows our core repair business.”

Richards brings more than three decades of maritime experience to his position. Prior to joining Foss in 2003, Richards had oversight over new construction projects at Whidbey Island-based Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, where he served on the company’s board of directors. He has had positions of increasing responsibility, including foreman, yard superintendent, project manager and production manager. He has worked at both of Foss’ shipyards at Rainer, Ore., on the Columbia River, and in Seattle, where he has been production manager at the company’s Ballard facility since 2006.

Hie comes to Foss Maritime from Hawaii, where he was a Kirby Corporation division manager in the islands. A 1990 graduate of the California Maritime Academy, Hie has a degree in marine engineering. He has been employed both on-shore and ship-board in a variety of positions on the East Coast, the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean.

Foss Maritime has a well-earned reputation for innovation and a culture that stresses safety and the environment, Hie said. “It doesn’t matter what coast you’re on: People are talking about Foss’ commitment to excellence.”

Foss’ shipyards serve United States government vessels, the petroleum and timber industries, fishing fleets, high-speed passenger vessels and private yachts for dry dock maintenance and repair:

The Foss Seattle shipyard, one of the most completely equipped yards on the Pacific coast, offers full-service vessel repair and maintenance. A team of experienced craftspeople provides cost-effective vessel repairs, major conversions and routine maintenance to commercial and recreational vessels. The yard services tugs, barges, workboats, passenger and car ferries, fishing fleets, high-speed passenger vessels, fish processing vessels, government vessels and yachts.

On the leading edge of marine technology, engineering and boat building, the Foss Maritime Rainier shipyard constructs reliable, efficiently designed, and expertly crafted vessels. Foss offers new construction and repair of tugs, pilot boats, fireboats, barges and other workboats — and hybrid tug conversions. Foss Maritime developed the first hybrid tug technology and built the world’s first hybrid tug at its Rainier shipyard.

ABOUT FOSS MARITIME COMPANY Founded in 1889, Seattle-based Foss Maritime offers a complete range of maritime services and project management to customers across the Pacific Rim, Europe, South America and around the globe. The company has harbor services and transportation operations in all major U.S. West Coast ports, including the Columbia and Snake River system. With one of the largest fleets of tugs and barges on the American West Coast, Foss operates two shipyards and offers worldwide marine transportation, emphasizing safety, environmental responsibility and high-quality service. See for more information.

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