
Interstate receives the Polar Bear ‘Paw of Approval’ Award

April 29, 2014

TACOMA- Interstate Distributor Co. received the Polar Bear ‘Paw of Approval’ Award from the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Sustainable Tacoma Commission and the Arctic Action Team. We received the award for our efforts to reduce measurable reductions in the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and/or fluorinated gases (refrigerants and by-products of semiconductor manufacturing) used in operations over the last three to five years.

PAWofApprovalAwardApril2014Why the Polar bears? Climate change is causing a rapid decrease in Arctic Ice. Polar bears and other Arctic animals depend on ice for survival and could become endangered if we do not make an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why Interstate? We have been a Smart Way member since its launch in 2004. Smart Way is a public-private initiative between the Environmental Protection Agency and small and large transportation companies. The goal of Smart Way is to improve fuel efficiency and the environmental performance of the goods movement supply chains by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Visit their website at

In the past three years, we have made investments to upgrade our fleet with the newest low emission, clean air engines. Additional advancements made in aero dynamics have aided in an increase in fuel economy of 5%. We have also developed engine parameter settings to optimize fuel economy and reduce engine idle time. Our recent investment in natural gas tractors creates less dependence on crude oil. With lower emissions resulting in reduced greenhouse gases, natural gas is a possible alternative fuel source for the future. We are increasing companywide recycling by recycling everything we can from paper to engine oil.

Martin Singh, VP of Maintenance & Facilities, and Tonya Todd, Communications Manager, received the award on behalf of Interstate. The City of Tacoma’s Manager of Sustainability, Kristin Lynett introduced Interstate and spoke about our past and continued efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Kristin spoke very candidly about the process of choosing the award winner. Kristin mentioned that she and the panel were in disbelief that the stand out application was from a trucking company.

Interstate is committed to being an environmentally friendly transportation company. We will always strive to be the most efficient and green fleet in the industry and continually reduce our company’s carbon footprint.

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